Apply to ISHCMC

Thank you for considering our school as a community for your family. The following steps will help guide you to apply.

We accept applications from students of all nationalities who would benefit from our educational program and whose parents share the school’s philosophy and objectives. Applications for both immediate and future entry are considered at any time throughout the year.

Step 1: Start your Application

At ISHCMC you don’t need an appointment to start your application. Apply at a time most convenient for you and your family by following the steps below.

Need help? Book an appointment to meet the team and get answers to all your ISHCMC related questions.

Step 2: Submitting your Application

Submitting an application form is the next step in the application process. We must receive all required documentation, as explained in steps two and three before we can process an application. Submission of an application does not guarantee admission. Students’ eligibility for enrollment will be reviewed based on documentation submitted by their parents/guardian.

Step 3: Submit Required Documents

After submitting your application, you need to submit supporting documents. Your application will not be processed until these documents are complete.

  • Application Form
  • Photocopy of Child(ren)’s Passport
  • Photocopy of Child(ren)’s Birth Certificate
  • Child(ren)’s Passport Sized Photos
    • The photo should be no more than 6 months old
    • Size should be 4 x 6cm or 1200 x 1800 pixel
  • School Reports from the previous 2 years of study
  • Letter of Recommendation from a current Teacher/Principal/Counsellor (EE2-KG only)
  • Recommendation Form is completed by a current Teacher/Principal/Counsellor (Grade 1-12 only)
  • If necessary; documents relating to
    • Additional Needs
    • Medical Needs
    • EAL Needs

Important Information

  • Application Form should be submitted as early as possible as spaces are limited in many grade levels
  • School Reports, Passport and Birth Certificate photocopies can be submitted in the Application Form.
  • All other documentation will be required via email.

Step 4: Complete Assessments

All applicants from Early Explorers to Grade 12 go through an evaluation process by our Principal teams. This is based on all information provided during the application process.

For Grades KG – Grade 12 your child may be asked to take part in an English Assessment. This covers their skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. An admission decision will only be made after your child completes these evaluations.

KG – Grade 5

EAL needs will be assessed to ensure adequate support is available and that a proper balance of EAL students to native English speakers is maintained within the school.

Grade 6 – Grade 12

Students will be given an appointment for an English Assessment either online or in person depending on the student’s location. The benchmark for entry into the grade level must be met.

Step 5: Application Review

The relevant Section Principal reviews applications and provides a recommendation for admission.

After a positive recommendation, a place is offered to the student. To secure the place the Parent Agreement and Admissions Fee must be completed.

Step 6: Acceptance

An official acceptance email will be issued confirming your child’s enrollment and grade placement.

The final documents required to complete the Admissions process are the ISHCMC Medical Form and vaccination records.

Step 7: Welcome to ISHCMC

Families are invited to an orientation prior to students beginning their learning!

Required Documents

Primary School

(Early Explorers 2 – Grade 5)

Secondary School

(Grades 6  – Grade 12)

Complete and submit Application Form.

Supporting documents are submitted if applicable:

  • School reports from the previous 2 years of study
  • A letter of recommendation from a current teacher/Principal/Counsellor (EE2-KG)
  • Recommendation Form is completed by a current teacher/Principal/Counsellor (Grade 1-12)
  • Documents relating to additional needs, medical needs and EAL needs
  • Copy of Passport and Birth Certificate